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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Case studies

Viva Energy Female Leadership Program, designed and delivered by People Measures.

November 2019

Organisational psychologists at People Measures continue to work with Viva Energy Australia to promote women through the ranks in a business where 27 per cent of employees are female.

Gaming-it up to improve the recruitment experience for candidates

February 2019 | APS College of Organisational Psychologists

In response to growing market demand for innovative personnel selection methods, Revelian’s team of Organisational Psychologists worked alongside other professionals to develop a world first game-based cognitive ability assessment for high stakes selection. 

Taking an integrated approach to Organisational Development creates a positive employee experience

September 2018 | APS College of Organisational Psychologists

When acquired in late 2015, Affinity Education Group (‘Affinity’) was a fragmented organisation consisting of a number of acquisitions of smaller early education organisations and centres. The organisation was in need of strategic and organisational realignment with a focus on the...

Deloitte’s Inclusive Leadership Assessment helps organisations harness diverse workforces

September 2018

The application of psychometrics and a psychological understanding of inclusion were critical for building leaders’ inclusive capability in a measureable and evidence-based way.Deloitte’s Inclusive Leadership Assessment (ILA), a novel psychometric tool, demonstrates that inclusive...

YOLO initiative powers reduction in young worker injuries

August 2017

Applying a psychological understanding of young people’s risk perception was critical to the success of this health and safety initiative in the energy sector.

Organisational psychology strengthens overseas development programs

August 2017 | APS College of Organisational Psychologists

Overseas aid work is emotionally and psychologically testing, so ensuring candidates are suited to the work not just in terms of experience but in psychological terms can make all the difference to a successful posting.