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Australian Psychology Society This browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser.

Taskforce into Child Sexual Abuse and Psychology


Recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse included a call on professions such as psychology to be active in promoting measures to ensure effective governance and regulation and to contribute to community education for increased awareness of the risk to children.

In the interest of continually improving the provision of appropriate services by psychologists, the APS is committed to strengthening its position on child sexual abuse and condemns the behaviour of those who perpetrate abuse. 

A Taskforce was established in July 2020 to progress this work following the disclosure of historical child sexual offences by a former President of the APS. The Taskforce was asked to provide recommendations to the Board on how the APS can:

  • set and maintain the highest professional standards around the conduct of members in relation to child sexual abuse
  • best serve the community to prevent child sexual abuse and ensure that responses to survivors and perpetrators meet the highest professional standards

The Taskforce had a wide remit to review past practices and policies, determine and seek advice from relevant stakeholders and benchmark against national and international organisations 


The Taskforce was chaired by Simon Brown-Greaves.

Other members of the Taskforce included:
Ms Ros Knight
Ms Christabel Chamarette
Dr Andrew Day
Superintendent Tony de Ridder
Ms Veronica Kyne
Dr Corey Lane
Mrs Ann Stark 

The Taskforce was supported by senior staff of the Society and externally appointed advisors (as necessary) in relation to specific matters where other professional or technical advice was required.


The Taskforce:-

3.1  Reviewed the Society’s current initiatives and advocacy to consider the issues affecting child sexual abuse and, in particular address the impact and needs of survivors;
3.2  Commissioned an audit and review of past and current governance, policies and practices of the Society to identify any shortcomings and areas for improvement;
3.3  Considered, in particular, any conduct or influence by the former President, in the past or continuing in relation to governance, policies or practices of the Society;
3.4  Recommended immediate, medium and long-term reforms, including in relation to structural arrangements, considered necessary to address issues relating to child sexual abuse in the profession and support for survivors;
3.5  Advised the Society on appropriate training and professional development activities, felt necessary to address professional awareness of issues relating to child sexual abuse and support for survivors;
3.6  Sought submissions from members and stakeholders within the scope of these terms of reference.

Noting that the Taskforce was not an investigative body, and was not seeking submissions specifically in relation to other offenses or allegations of abuse. Such matters should be directed to the appropriate law enforcement agencies in each state or territory.


The Taskforce submitted a written report to the Board in December 2020 that provided:

4.1  recommendations on how the APS could
        4.1.1  set and maintain the highest professional standards around the conduct of members in relation to child sexual abuse;
        4.1.2  better advocate for psychologically-informed and evidence-based community prevention and intervention measures;

4.2  the outcome and recommendations if applicable on the review of
       4.2.1  past and current governance, policies, and practices including staff awareness and training;
       4.2.2  benchmarking of APS policy and practice against national and international associations.


In December 2020 APS Board of Directors approved the entire set of recommendations put forward by the Taskforce.

The recommendations include substantial actions at a range of levels which will be implemented across the organisation. This includes the refinement and development of policies and resources, better access to and dissemination of resources, review of education and training curricula, increased advocacy, and improved stakeholder engagement.


The APS is in the process of implementing the recommendations of the Taskforce.