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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Michelle Morrison

Director & Organisational Psychologist @ Leadership & Learning Pty Ltd

As an Organisational Psychologist, Michelle’s passion for contemporary psychoanalytic processes to assist people and organisations be their best has informed much of her work. Her early career in global roles as an internal Organisational Development Practitioner focused on leadership research, development, talent and change initiatives. Collaboration with institutions like London Business School and Cranfield University helped Michelle identify her love of program design and curation.

In 1998 Michelle became an independent freelance consultant and has enjoyed a rich global portfolio of program and coaching work.  A growing sensitivity to the relationship between organisations and society led Michelle to a Masters in Social Impact, which she is scheduled to complete this year. Her current clients include PwC, Alfred Health, Melbourne Business School and the Wilson Group.  Michelle is a Member of the APS and a Fellow of the College of Organisational Psychologists.