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Australian Psychology Society This browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser.

Position Statements

APS Position Statements outline key recommendations based on psychological evidence about contemporary social issues, such as climate change, racism and gambling.

Psychologists in residential aged care

This position statement identifies the poor mental health of aged care residents, impacts on them, their families and the workforce, and the investments needed to ensure all residents have access to high-quality psychological support when needed.

Psychologists in schools

This APS Position Statement outlines key recommendations based on psychological evidence about investing in the mental health of school-aged children via whole school mental health services led by psychologists.

Psychologists and psychedelic-assisted therapy

This position statement describes the current understanding of the cognitive, perceptual, social, and emotional effects of psychedelics, as well as known risks, and importantly, evidence for their effect on symptoms of mental health disorders.

Federal Election Statement 2022: Action on mental health

As we begin the long recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters, the APS calls on all politicians to commit to our urgent policy actions to support, improve and defend the mental health and wellbeing of every Australian.

Child Sexual Abuse and Psychology

The APS Position Statement on Child Sexual Abuse and Psychology outlines the Society’s commitment to supporting efforts to prevent child sexual abuse, working with people who have experienced child sexual abuse.

Black Lives Matter

The Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association (AIPA) and the Australian Psychological Society (APS) have brought together six of Australia’s peak psychology organisations to take a firm stance against racism in any form.

Gambling-related harm: Position statement

Position statement providing an overview of gambling-related harm in the Australian context and to position psychologists' responses to gambling-related issues.

Child wellbeing after parental separation: Position statement

Position statement about child wellbeing after parental separation, outlining roles for psychologists relating to prevention approaches to separation, conflict mediation, and social and practical supports for families in transition. 

Use of psychological practices that attempt to change or suppress sexual orientation or gender

Position statement on the use of psychological practices that attempt to change or suppress sexual orientation or gender

Psychological tests and testing: Position statement

Position statement about the use of psychological tests and testing, including information about the selection, administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests and access to test data.

Psychological wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia: Position statement

Position statement providing recommendations in relation to refugee mental health and wellbeing within the Australian context.

Psychology and Climate Change: Position statement

This position statement articulates the many ways in which psychological knowledge and expertise is relevant to the urgent problem of climate change. 

Record keeping in organisations: Position Statement

The APS position on psychology record keeping in organisations that is suitable for e-records and aligns with the pertinent privacy and record-keeping legislation and provides high level client confidentiality

Substance use: Position statement

Position statement outlining key contributions from psychological theory, research and practice to the understanding of substance use.

Psychologist involvement in torture and other inhuman treatment

Statement against psychologist involvement in torture and other inhuman treatment which condemns the use of such practices, and outlines the expectations of psychologists' conduct.

Psychologists in international emergencies

Statement to orient psychologists to effective disaster response contributions in international emergencies, based on international guidelines for psychosocial intervention.

Psychology peer consultation in organisations: Position statement

This statement articulates the APS position on peer consultation/clinical supervision of psychologists working in organisations.