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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Reflections on the WEA 2018 Showcase Event

The Showcase Event is a special initiative of the APS College of Organisational Psychologists to provide WEA finalists with an opportunity to share more detail about their exciting projects, whilst enabling Psychologists, HR practitioners and business leaders to learn about best practice approaches to developing organisations and their people. The Showcase Event will be presented by the College again on Thursday 31st October 2019.

In 2018, the Showcase Event was held in Melbourne on Thursday October 25th. Read on for some reflections about the events.

What attendees said about the event…

“Great sharing of ideas and exposure of the importance and value of organisational psychologists”

“I will definitely be back next year as we will most likely submit a case study for consideration”

“The structure of the presentations was great and consistent (i.e., moving from context to approach to evaluation)”

“Diversity of the topics and the industry was very positive and provided a strong example of the progressive organisational developments taking place”

Reflections from the presenting finalists…

“Both the showcase and the dinner were fantastic opportunities to learn more from others. As I’ve only just completed the Masters at Deakin, it meant a lot to me to be able to hear from others who are experienced and further along in their career. It was quite inspiring and I felt really proud to be a part of the COP professional body”.

“I found the showcase a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues and also hear about some of the amazing work that is being undertaken in these areas of organisational psychology”

"The showcase was a wonderful way to understand and appreciate the amazing work that other psychologists are doing in workplaces around Australia. The day provided an opportunity to connect with other psychologists, hear about new ways that research is being applied and be reminded of the positive impact that we, as a profession, are having on the Australian workforce.”

Reflections from the APS College of Organisational Psychologists…

“So rewarding to be part of the whole journey - from helping to shape the events, communications along the way with the finalists in preparation for the Showcase, and then sharing in the celebrations at the gala dinner. I’m already looking forward to 2019!”

“Celebrating the elegance of psychological solutions, this event offers unique opportunities to share and learn from each other as well as showcasing the value Organisational Psychology delivers to Australian business.”