
Attention: Access to DSM-5 resources is currently experiencing issues and we are working with them on a resolution. Learn more

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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Awards Category Sponsor: Leadership development and coaching

Awards Category Sponsor: Leadership development and coaching

MLQ Plus

At MLQplus, we believe in the potential in every leader to drive transformative change. As Australia’s leading provider of Transformational Leadership assessments and resources, we work towards unleashing leadership potential by supporting an international network of coaches and consultants with the world’s most researched and validated leadership assessments.

Backed by over 35 years of continuous independent research on Transformational Leadership and outcomes, our assessments generate proven behavioural insights that directly drive increased productivity, effectiveness, and satisfaction in the workplace.

Following our relocation to Melbourne in 2018, we are now focused on innovating our data collection and reporting processes with disruptive technologies to translate proven leadership insights into practical business outcomes. We focus exclusively on promoting and supporting our accredited network to build leadership capability and deliver transformative change.