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CPD Approved by the APS

The standard in quality for CPD                                        

The CPD Approved badge acknowledges the training activity has been assessed against quality standards developed by Australian psychologists and adult education experts. Whether the content is created by the APS or a third-party contributor, the same guidelines will be applied, giving you confidence that any CPD completed with us is of the highest quality.

Start your application


Team up with our highly skilled and engaged Professional Development team and receive valuable consultation time to bring your activity to life for our members.


Each application is assessed using the robust criteria our CPD Quality Standards Framework which is recognised as gold standard by the profession.

CPD & Events (CPD&E) Finder

Once approved, activities will be advertised on our CPD & Events Finder for the duration of the current approval period or for the activity duration, whichever ends first. 

Multiple dates for delivery may be submitted within the approval period. 

Ongoing CPD activities, such as self-paced eLearning, will be advertised from the date of provider approval until the end of that CPD Approval period. (e.g., 2024/2025 approval period start date 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2025)

This online event finder tool, lists CPD activities relevant to psychologists, mental health and allied health professionals, with a reach of over 27,000 APS members and those in the community with interest in psychology. You will be connecting with a highly engaged and motivated audience, who make over 20,000 unique site visits monthly.

CPD Approved badge

Approved activities receive access to use of the APS CPD Approved badge to acknowledge and promote the premium quality of your educational activity. This unique identifier will stand out amongst the competition and bring with it the prestige of being approved by the peak professional body for psychology in Australia.

Explore CPD Approved education


We align ourselves with specialist peak industry organisations and leading Australian education providers. These partnerships ensure psychologists and others receive the most relevant and recent education that is evidence-based and designed to achieve the most optimal outcomes to support their ongoing professional development needs.  

As we continue to grow this network of quality education providers, CPD Approved activities will elevate the quality of care within the profession, and its ability to serve the Australian community. 

APS CPD partners


Advertising Approvals

All external advertising of an APS CPD Approved educational activity must be approved by the APS before being published. Providers will be issued with relevant Brand Guidelines to ensure consistent representation of the badge is achieved.

All providers are required to approve their proposed advertisement on our CPD&E Finder prior to publication. 

Activities will be approved for a fixed two-year period and applications are now open for the 1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2025. A formal agreement will be issued to the Provider once an activity has been assessed and approved. Renewal applications must be submitted for activities once the current period expires.        

Approval period & Agreement

An activity is approved for a pre-determined fixed two-year period. Applications are now open for the 1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2025 peiod.

An Agreement will be issued for the Provider, once an activity has been assessed and approved.   

A renewal application must be submitted before the current period expires                                    

Example of approval period 2024-2025
Application approved date Approval period ends
5 January 2024

31 December 2025

5 May 2024
4 February 2025
10 June 2025


Application and assessment

Application processing and assessment takes approximately 4-6 weeks from receipt of application and fee payment. One application is required per activity.

Applications on hold

On occasion, we may request additional information to supplement an application and/or clarify its content. When requests for information are made, the application is considered ‘on-hold’ until that information is received. The estimated 4-6 weeks assessment period will be extended accordingly.

Current fees payable AUD (incl. GST) Fees are current as at 1 October 2023

  • <1-2 CPD hours: $860.00
  • 3-7 CPD hours: $1,995.00
  • 8-21 CPD hours: $3,980.00
  • 22+ CPD hours: Contact us at [email protected] for a personalised quote.

Start your application

Application withdrawals

A 25% non-refundable administration fee is payable for any application submitted and subsequently withdrawn, but for which no assessment has commenced.

Once an assessment has commenced, a withdrawal from the process may occur minus 50% of the total application fee payable.

Contact us

For support with an existing application or information on how your organisation can get involved, we’re here to help.

Email: [email protected] or call: 03 8662 3300