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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Dr. Sugumar Mariappanadar

Senior Lecturer @ Australian Catholic University

Dr. Sugumar Mariappanadar is a member of the Centre for Sustainable HRM and Well-being, Australian Catholic University (ACU) in Melbourne, Australia. As a member of COP - APS, he has awide range of management consulting experience in public and private sector companies, with teaching and research experience for more than 29 years in Australia and overseas. He is an internationally acclaimed researcher who has enabled shaping the new and emerging field of sustainable HRM since 2000. He has the distinction of writing Sustainable Human Resource Management: Strategies, Practices and Challenges, the first research monograph published internationally in the field of Sustainable Human Resource Management by Macmillan International, London. With his international reputation in the field of sustainable HRM, Sugumar has played a significant role in advocating for change in the guidelines of Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) for Sustainability, a global institution that promotes sustainability goals among corporations, to include ‘work related leading indicators for occupational health’ as part of the occupational health and well-being guidelines for GRI reporting. 

Apart from academic publications, Sugumar has broad management consulting experience which includes organisation methods study, employee turnover study for call centres and business process analysis and management systems development. Sugumar jointly owns a patent and copyright for ‘HR Analytics’ software for managing employees’ performance to achieve Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The HR Analytics software can provide a detailed insight into personal, job and organisational cultural drivers for improving KPI.