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About APS Professional Development

We are committed to ongoing education and training for all psychologists and others to ensure the Australian community has access to a highly skilled workforce.

APS Professional Development prides itself on developing and delivering evidence-based education aligned to CPD quality standards, utilising innovative and flexible modalities tailored to learner needs in collaboration with expert think-tanks ensuring diverse coverage of relevant subject matter ranging from foundational through to advanced levels of learning.

Educational activities we deliver are:  

  • Evidence-based and meet CPD quality standards, 

  • Varied from foundational through to advanced topics, 

  • Active and engaging learning opportunities through innovative, flexible formats suited to different needs (webinars, self-paced eLearning, and in-person workshops),  

  • Created in collaboration with regular professional consultation to ensure diverse coverage of subject matter relevant to Australian psychologists and others in the mental health and wellness profession, and 

  • High quality, with Supervisor and Masterclass training sessions approved by the Psychology Board of Australia.  

Learning formats 


  • Live online presentations, lectures, or workshops where participants can interact with the speaker and other participants in real time. 

  • Includes downloadable resources to support content. 

  • Recorded webinars are available for 12 months post presentation. 

  • Certificate provided on completion.  


  • Webinar recordings you can view at your own pace. 

  • Available for 12 months from registration (including those who participated in original live event), except where inidcated otherwise.

  • Contains a simple quiz to assess content retention. 


  • Multiple modules completed at your own pace via a guided multimodal learning experience (reading, downloadable resources, interactive learning activities, videos and assessment tasks). 

  • Available for 6 months from date of registration (unless otherwise stated)

  • Evaluation is based on learning outcomes with three (3) assessment attempts included.

CPD on the goTM

One or two hour activities delivered via an article and short quiz format. 

PsyBA-approved Supervisor training

A three-part online training sequence includes: 

  1. Knowledge assessment, 

  2. Two-day skills training workshop - online, and  

  3. Competency-based assessment and evaluation. 

It is a PsyBA requirement for Board-approved supervisors to attend refresher training (Part 4 Master class) every five years to maintain their status. 

Contact APS Professional development

Complete the contact form below to contact the APS Professional development team