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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Anthony Ball

Director @ People Measures

Anthony is a registered organisational psychologist who has over 30 years' experience  in various settings, with the majority of his career focused in the areas of talent identification, leadership development and team building. Anthony has worked broadly across public, private and not-for-profit sectors. 

He is an advisor to the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) on talent related issues and has recently worked with the APSC on the Band 1, 2 and 3 talent and leadership development programs. He co-authored People Measures award winning research into identifying future potential. He was also a presenter at the Australian Psychological Society Industrial and Organisational Psychology conference where he presented the latest research into team building workshops.  

Anthony’s approach to leadership development and coaching has been strongly influenced by the philosophy of adaptive leadership taught at Harvard University by Heifetz and Linsky. He has trained under these authors and has delivered leadership programs incorporating these core concepts with other evidence-based and psychologically sound leadership development approaches such as Kegan and Lahey’s theory of adult (vertical) development.