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Mental health reform

The APS has a long history of working with all levels of government and other agencies to reform the mental health system to better meet the needs of Australians across the lifespan.

The APS is represented on a range of government mental health advisory committees, advocates directly with parliamentarians and policy makers, and works closely with other mental health stakeholders to influence mental health reform.

The landmark Better Access mental health reform has provided demonstrably effective, cost-efficient and accessible psychological services for millions of Australians with common mental health disorders since it was introduced in 2006. The APS has continued to advocate for the protection and expansion of these significant and hard-won achievements.  

In addition, the APS has advocated for reform to the mental health system to:

  • meet the needs of people with more complex high prevalence mental health disorders via the reinstatement of the Better Access “exceptional circumstances” sessions
  • improve access to appropriate psychological care for people affected by institutional child sexual abuse and for survivors of domestic violence and child abuse
  • better meet the needs of children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and their families
  • develop and implement culturally specific assessment techniques and procedures that convey accurate information about the abilities and capacities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • improve the quality of care for older people with psychological conditions.

Pre-Budget submissions to the Federal Government

The APS has also advocated to the Government by submitting pre-federal budget submissions to assist in reforming the mental health system, as well as other important issues.

2020-21 Pre-Budget submission

The recommendations focus on continuous improvement of the mental health system with initiatives that:

  • enhance the mental health system now and into the future regardless of the reform agenda
  • build on current population-level gaps in our system and are focused on addressing significant and growing concerns for all Australians; and
  • propose critical and emerging areas of need that without appropriate assessment and interventions will result in a larger burden to the health system in the future.

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2017-18 Pre-Budget submission

  • Improve access to evidence-based psychological interventions for people with more complex high prevalence mental health disorders

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2016-17 Pre-Budget submission

  • The APS recommends the Government support initiatives to support the mental health of families, children and young people, including through:
    • national expansion of KidsMatter and MindMatters; and
    • working with the Australian Psychological Society in initial scoping,design and implementation planning for the development of new Child and Family Wellbeing Centres.
  • The APS recommends Better Access referral processes be streamlined, including by enabling referrals via letter from GPs and by making Mental Health Treatment Plans optional for GPs.

  • The APS recommends Government consider a trial to evaluate the effectiveness of new pathways for GPs to refer people with mild mental health disorders to evidence-based therapist-assisted e-therapies and/or group therapies, with step-up pathways to face-to-face services where required.

  • The APS recommends that Government ensure people with chronic or complex severe mental illness have access to an appropriate number of specialised psychology treatment sessions, as assessed by clinical need (i.e. between 30 to 50 sessions per year).

  • The APS recommends Government implement the recommendations of the National Review of Mental Health Programmes and Services in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing as an urgent priority.

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2015-16 Pre-Budget submission

  • Improving access to services for people with mental health issues and challenging life situations and/or comorbidities, and for people with complex mental health disorders
  • Making better use of telehealth to address inequities in rural and remote primary mental health care service delivery
  • Providing evidence-based psychological services to people with mental health issues and dementia in aged care facilities

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