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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Ed Kelly

Director @ EK Performance Solutions

Ed is and Organisational Psychologist and the Director of EK Performance Solutions and provides specialist organisational development and other consultancy services to the public and private sectors. Ed’s experience has been primarily in a number of Queensland Public Service organisations in roles associated with managing major organisational reviews, training and development, including leadership development, organisational development, performance management, executive coaching, strategic/business planning and technological change.

Since leaving the public sector Ed has worked in both private and public sector organisations providing organisational development and other organisational psychology consultancy services including executive coaching and leadership development . Industries have included the building, mining, media, gaming, banking, tertiary education and local government sectors. He has also been involved in assignments overseas working with expatriate managers as well as expatriate and local staff.

Ed is a long standing contributor to the profession, a Member of the APS and Fellow of the APS College of Organisational Psychologists, and a previous Workplace Excellence Award Judge. Ed supervises Organisational Psychology Registrars as well as post graduate students studying Organisational Psychology at the University of Queensland and Griffith University. Ed also has an MBA from QUT and has an interest in entrepreneurship and business start up issues.