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Annual Reports

By creating social impact, reimagining the APS and ensuring sustainability for the APS and our profession, 2023 has been bigger and better than we ever imagined

In 2023, our 27,000+ members continued to serve the community, using psychology to improve the mental health and wellbeing of our nation. The APS has been there every step of the way, rallying to bring awareness to the issues facing our profession and the community, putting forward evidence-based solutions for change.

As the peak body for psychology in Australia, our influence has been seen and heard nationwide. Our social impact has been amplified through our collaborative relationships, and we have advocated boldly on the issues most important in psychology.

It has been another extraordinary year for the APS, our members, their clients and patients across Australia. We invite you to learn more in our 2023 Annual Report and Financial Report.

2023 Financial report