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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Viva Energy Female Leadership Program, designed and delivered by People Measures.

25 November 2019

Organisational psychologists at People Measures continue to work with Viva Energy Australia to promote women through the ranks in a business where 27 per cent of employees are female.


The Viva Energy Female Leadership Program, designed and delivered by People Measures has been operating for 2.5 years with 54 potential leaders, over 3 cohorts, completing the course.


Viva Energy’s Chief Executive Officer, Scott Wyatt, is a Male Champion of Change and a leader who continues to demonstrate a genuine commitment to gender equity within the leadership ranks and overall workforce. Internal targets of 50 per cent female recruitment have been set, as well as a goal of 40 per cent female representation in all levels of management by 2020 – and a mandate that 50 per cent of the senior leadership group should be women by the same year.


Formerly a part of the Shell downstream business, Viva Energy has more than 1200 staff – most with a background in engineering and technical skills. Internal research conducted in 2016 found many of the female staff felt there were barriers to their chances of progressing to senior leadership roles.


When asked Scott Wyatt said that “the Female Leadership Program is an important part of our overall gender equity strategy.  It has already given participants the skills and confidence to move into leadership positions for the first time.  I believe it will continue to help with building the culture that will allow us to attract more women, and for them to have successful careers with us.


“The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive – they particularly benefitted from receiving feedback on their leadership, learning strategies to help with the unique challenges women face in a male dominated environment and developing a support network” he said.


People Measures worked closely with Viva Energy to develop the purpose-built, award-winning program to address gender bias and establish a pipeline of female leaders. As part of the People Measures’ evidence-based program female staff have been encouraged to take on more complex and senior roles.


One of the People Measures’ program facilitators, Lisa Johnston said: “It has been a pleasure partnering with Viva Energy to deliver the Female Leadership Program. Senior leaders from across the organisation have supported the program and contributed their time and knowledge to help make the program a success. The participants are building their confidence and skills to take on more senior roles and are building the strength of their networks with peers and senior leaders within Viva Energy.”


The unique psychometric assessment and development planning which were a part of the program helped participants to explore their strengths, opportunities, level of confidence and their individual sense of leadership purpose.


One participant described the program as “challenging and confronting, but eye opening. A great opportunity to reflect and improve.” Another commented: “it was a really worthwhile program that has stretched each one of us” while others articulated feeling more self-aware, authentic and confident to influence.


Frances Feenstra of People Measures stated that “the Workplace Excellence Award was great recognition of the work we are doing with Viva Energy, and more broadly in our organisation and partnerships to promote women in leadership.” 


Scott Wyatt and his leadership team are making great strides in gender equity. This is a company to watch.