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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Prof. Prasuna Reddy

Associate Dean International @ Swinburne University of Technology

Prasuna is a leading implementation science and organisational psychologist practitioner and researcher with over 20 years of experience in academia, consulting and health services leadership across Australia and internationally. She has extensive experience in the application of evidence-into-practice methodologies, as well as sophisticated evaluation, implementation and improvement science design for population health programs. She has held senior Director, Board and consulting positions in Australia and the UK, including the King’s College Centre for Implementation Science, NSW Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, the National Centre for Gender & Cultural Diversity, an InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Domestic Violence.

Prasuna has achieved international recognition for her work in establishing translational health intervention programs for the primary and secondary prevention and management of chronic disease, particularly cardiovascular disease and diabetes in primary care, and advocacy for mental health in global strategy. Her strong capabilities in applied health and organisational psychology have been put to good use in assisting communities with capacity building and overcoming adversity. Prasuna is currently Professor of Applied Health Technology at Swinburne and International Associate of Implemental at King’s College London.