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2019 Workplace Excellence Awards 2019 Workplace Excellence Awards

Anna Locke

Senior Organisational Development Specialist @ Children's Health Queensland

Anna is an Organisational Psychologist with extensive experience in organisational development both as an external consultant and an internal practitioner. She is a Member of the APS and a Fellow of the College of Organisational Psychologists. Currently working in the health care sector, Anna designs and implements programs that support leadership development. Prior to this, Anna worked in the resources industry, partnering with HR to identify and address systemic organisational issues by designing and delivering evidence-based initiatives targeting manager and employee capability and engagement.

Before these in-house roles, Anna worked as a consultant for over six years with clients ranging across banking and finance, transport, energy, telecommunications, and government industries. Anna developed, implemented and evaluated the impact and sustainability of a wide range of interventions focused on improving all stages of the employee life-cycle. This included design and validation of psychometric assessment tools, leadership development, and initiatives targeting teaming, employee engagement, and workforce safety and wellbeing at both operational and strategic levels.