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APS response to NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) commend the Joint Standing Committee for its inquiry into NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia. It is imperative that participants in these locations experience equitable access to NDIS services. We welcome the opportunity to provide input regarding the role of psychologists in the NDIS and factors that impact participant experience in rural, regional and remote areas.

Psychologists have witnessed the potential for the NDIS to work well for people with disability and their families across Australia when funding is sufficient and when there is access to effective support. The Scheme provides much-needed services to participants who previously could not afford them, and the ability to exercise greater control and flexibility in choosing the services to best meet their needs.

Notwithstanding the positive contributions of the NDIS, in our response we have identified a number of challenges that impact the role psychologists have in providing NDIS services in rural, regional, and remote locations and the effect this has on participants.

Our recommendations include:

  1. Adequately remunerate travel costs to improve accessibility for participants
  2. Undertake benchmarking and data collection to better understand and meet participants’ needs across jurisdictions
  3. Appropriately utilise technology to enhance participant experience and to support providers
  4. Acknowledge and account for intersectional disadvantage of vulnerable groups to ensure equity for participants
  5. Address the cost of providing services in rural, regional and remote locations to increase availability, responsiveness, consistency and effectiveness of supports for participants
  6. Incentivise psychologists to be based in regional, rural, and remote locations to optimise participant choice and control


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