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APS Response to Consultation about the Draft National Autism Strategy

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomed the opportunity to provide feedback about the Draft National Autism Strategy. This strategy, for the first time, offers a more coordinated national approach to services and support for Autistic people and their families, and aims to improve life outcomes for all Autistic people in Australia.

In its submission, the APS commended the commitments within the strategy to improving outcomes for economic and social inclusion; diagnosis, supports and services, and health and wellbeing for Autistic people. The APS has long been a strong advocate for improved access to assessment, diagnosis, psychology services and holistic supports for all Autistic people and particularly welcomed the commitment within the strategy to work with professional bodies like the APS to develop co-designed training and resource materials to support health professionals.

In our submission we recommended:

  • Explicit identification of additional under-served cohorts of Autistic people, including Autistic parents and mothers, Autistic older adults in care and Autistic people experiencing homelessness
  • The need to attend to specific challenges faced by Autistic people training and working as health professionals, including barriers to program entry, a lack of neurodiversity affirming culture, and stigma and discrimination
  • The APS continues to collaborate with the Departments of Social Services and Health and Aged Care and the Autistic community on the next phases of implementation of the National Autism Strategy including co-production of governance, action and evaluation plans.


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