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APS submission to the Inquiry into Children and Young People with Disability in New South Wales Educational Settings

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomed the opportunity to contribute a submission to the inquiry into children and young people with disability in New South Wales educational settings. 

The APS is a strong advocate for increased investment in the early years and school settings to ensure optimal learning and development for all children and young people, including those with disability. We recommended that the New South Wales Government:

  • Invest in the sustained implementation of evidence-informed whole-school approaches with coordinated tiers of health promotion, targeted prevention, and early intervention support to ensure optimal wellness and learning for all students.
  • Provide adequate personalised, inclusive and timely support for students with disability, including connecting with families, and external and community support systems as and when needed.
  • Increase investment in a highly skilled psychology workforce within schools to provide safe, effective support for children, families and educators in New South Wales.

Our submission highlighted that psychologists, and especially educational and developmental psychologists, are experts in development and learning, and are an essential workforce to lead and coordinate safe and effective interventions and support for children with and without disabilities, families and educators - as further detailed in  APS Psychologists in Schools Position Statement.


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