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APS Submission to the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) responded to the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce’s consultation on the registration model proposed in the NDIS Review Final Report.

Our submission outlined the critical role of psychologists in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the impacts of regulatory changes on service provision by psychologists and other professionals.

Our submission highlighted that:

  1. Psychologists' role in NDIS: Psychologists provide essential services such as therapeutic support, comprehensive assessments, and behavioural interventions that support NDIS participants' goals and enhance their independence and wellbeing.
  2. Intended and unintended impacts of regulation: While supporting a risk-based registration approach, the APS emphasises the importance of aligning new regulations with existing professional frameworks to avoid unnecessary administrative burdens that may deter psychologists from participating in the NDIS.
  3. Targeted and judicious implementation: We advocate for a differentiated approach in the registration model that accounts for the diverse roles psychologists play within the NDIS, ensuring regulations are proportional to the actual risks.
  4. Enhancing provider support: The APS stresses the need for responsive support mechanisms for providers, including direct communication lines with regulatory bodies, which help address compliance and operational concerns effectively.
  5. Economic considerations: We call for any changes to the registration system to coincide with a reconsideration of the NDIS pricing structure to ensure that psychological services are adequately compensated, reflecting the specialised skills and value provided by psychologists.
  6. Engagement and co-design: We recommend ongoing engagement with professional bodies, including the APS, and by health professionals. Effective co-design processes are needed to explore effective solutions to regulatory changes, ensuring that the rights and wellbeing of NDIS participants remain a central focus.

The APS is committed to working with the Taskforce and the Government to ensure that the regulatory framework for NDIS providers supports high-quality, effective, and sustainable psychological services.


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