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APS response to Draft National Guidelines for including mental health and wellbeing in Early Childhood Health Checks

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) appreciated the opportunity to provide feedback about the Draft National Guidelines for including mental health and wellbeing in Early Childhood Health Checks (ECHCs). These guidelines aim to assist in early identification of children who are struggling or feeling overwhelmed, and helping their families to access timely support and advice.

The APS has long been a strong advocate for increased investment in early years mental health and wellbeing. Thus, we commended the guidelines for the vision and broad conceptual framework they provide for health practitioners to include mental health and wellbeing checks as part of ECHCs. The APS especially welcomes the focus on the social determinants of health and the recognition of the importance of family, kin and community in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of young children.

However, we noted missed opportunities to ensure that the overarching goals of the guidelines are achieved, e.g., the significant role psychologists play in the promotion of early childhood mental health and wellbeing, along with the need to identify and resource appropriate referral pathways for more in-depth assessment and psychological support for infants and young children experiencing poor mental health and wellbeing.


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