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APS response to Justice Responses to Sexual Violence Issues Paper

The APS welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Justice Responses to Sexual Violence Issues Paper 2024 (JRSV Issues Paper) published by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC). We commend the initiative for its depth and breadth in addressing the critical aspects of institutional responses to sexual violence. It is vital that we reconsider and reform these frameworks to better serve justice on perpetrators and support victim-survivors.

We wholeheartedly agree with the JRSV Issues Paper that it is essential to provide victim-survivors with increased agency and meaningful consideration throughout the judicial process. Given this, we also commend the ALRC on the use of a lived-experience expert advisory group to ensure victim- survivors can participate in and influence system improvements. However, we would like to highlight a notable omission in the discussion—namely, the prevention of sexual violence, early intervention, and the rehabilitation of offenders. Such a holistic approach would help to move the onus away from victim-survivors (or would be victim-survivors) to reduce the impact of abuse in our community. 

Our feedback focussed on the following issues:

  1. Prevention, early intervention, and rehabilitation focussed reform
  2. Practices that increase empowerment and respect
  3. Need for best practice interview approaches
  4. Aspects relating to trial processes
  5. Need for research to develop evidence-based interventions and rehabilitation opportunities for offenders


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