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Australian Psychology Society This browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser.

Submission to Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence

Family, domestic and sexual violence has a significant impact on the mental health and the wellbeing of victims. Violence of any sort against women and children is a major cause of reduced quality of life, of distress, injury and death, and has major secondary effects for families, communities, and the economy. The outcomes for both survivors and offenders are dire psychologically. 

A range of prevention, early intervention and tertiary level responses is needed to prevent and address family violence. Policy and service responses across sectors can impact upon, and potentially support, victims of family violence, including legal, housing, health, mental health and welfare responses. 

In this submission, the APS recommends: 

  • Increased investment in quality standards and governance mechanisms to ensure better integration and coordination of services 
  • That Australian governments collaborate and consult with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family violence services, including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, and local communities to address family violence in a culturally safe manner 
  • Address the limited services, evidenced-based interventions, and supports for women with disabilities who are experiencing domestic and family violence 
  • Development of workforce expertise and specialised training across all sectors, including for psychologists, to safely support women and children who are experiencing domestic, family, and sexual violence 
  • A nation-wide prevention response must address gender inequality, work to raise the status of women, and empower communities to take responsibility to prevent domestic, family, and sexual violence.

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