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Australian Psychology Society This browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser.

Response to the National Early Years Strategy Discussion Paper

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomed the opportunity to contribute feedback at this early stage of the development of the proposed national Early Years Strategy.

The APS response emphasised the significance of the perinatal and early childhood periods, noting that lifelong success begins in the early years. Investment during these periods benefits the individual, families, communities and the national economy.

A national Early Years Strategy must address many parts of a child’s life that work together to impact their outcomes. This will include addressing psychosocial, cognitive and physical development needs and focusing on factors in the environments that wrap around children, from their immediate family and community environments through to broader societal influences. Adopting an evidence-informed position, we advocated for the following key areas to be included in the Strategy:

  • Provide psychological and psychosocial support during the perinatal period,
  • Ensure Australian parents have timely access to high-quality parenting programs in the first three years of a child’s life to increase their skills and confidence to raise thriving children, and
  • Address the impacts of adverse childhood events (ACEs).


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