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Response to the Senate Inquiry into assessment and support services for people with ADHD

The APS welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the assessment and support services for people with ADHD. Our response to this Inquiry draws on APS policies, evidence-based practice and guidelines, psychological research, and consultation with APS members who are highly experienced and qualified in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of people with ADHD.

In this submission, the APS made several recommendations, including:

  • ADHD assessments be included under the MBS items for complex neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • All psychologists have the opportunity to undertake appropriate professional development to ensure they are familiar with the evidence-based practice guidelines for ADHD assessment and intervention.
  • Schools have access to evidence-based programs and a dedicated and highly skilled national psychology workforce that can lead, coordinate and support the management of ADHD.
  • Investment in research to better understand emerging trends associated with ADHD.

The full submission discusses all of the recommendations made by the APS in further detail.

View submission