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Webinar (Live) Event

Organisational Psychology Endorsement Group Supervision program (OPEGS) (ACT/NSW) - Knowledge of the Discipline (1 of 2)


Welcome to the first session of the OPEGS program, focussing on the competency of Knowledge of the Discipline part 1 of 2.

In this 2-hour standalone group supervision session, you will work through different concepts and case studies with other registrars and a board approved supervisor to increase your competence in this area. Each session requires active participation, self-reflection, and application of the registrars’ knowledge. There may be pre-work needed prior to sessions so please keep an eye on your emails leading up to the session.

Reflecting on practice is a mandatory, core activity for registered psychologists. Participation in group supervision allows registrars to hone reflective abilities participating in facilitated discussions by a Board approved Supervisor, drawing on past experiences as well as listening and engaging with other registrars' examples. In this way, registrants will develop skills to comprehend and codify experiences that will enable them to become reflexive practitioners.

For further information about the OPEGs program and how it will run please visit the OPEGS webpage. You can also reach out to OPEGS organisers or your local APS COPS committee if you need any further information

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of the Discipline (Competency #1 - Part 1)
On completion of the session on Knowledge of the Discipline, registrars should have a further understanding of the following aspects of the competency as outlined by AHPRA: 

  • A broad understanding of psychological theory as it pertains to the successful functioning of organisations 
  • An understanding of the role of behavioural factors in organisational effectiveness and employee satisfaction, productivity, safety and wellbeing 
  • An understanding of the social, political and economic context determining organisational workplace design and the role of psychological factors, and 
  • Knowledge of the discipline, including: 
    • Industrial, organisational and occupational psychology 
    • Personnel and vocational psychology 
    • Human resource management and development 
    • Human factors including ergonomics 
    • Coaching psychology, and 
    • Consumer psychology


For further information about the OPEGs program and how it will run please visit the OPEGS webpage. You can also reach out to OPEGS organisers or your local APS COPS committee if you need any further information.

Online Event

APS member $ 50
Non-APS member $ 100

The event will be recorded.



04 Sep 2024

5.30pm - 7.30pm AEST