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eLearning Event

Suicidality and suicide prevention in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities: a systematic review

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CPD on the goTM eLearning activities provide an opportunity to learn about diverse topics in short, flexible sessions that you can peruse at your own pace, wherever you are.  

Suicide, with its complex causes, profound impacts, and unacceptable rates, deserves significant and intense focus.

A substantial body of research indicates that risk factors vary across different populations, with clear implications that universal prevention programs are less likely to be accessed or effective across the range of at-risk groups.

For this reason, a number of suicide prevention programs have been developed, built on empirical foundations and specifically designed to address the variations unique to the target groups.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse people (CALD) form a core and valued community in Australia, but there is limited research investigating suicide and suicidality in this population, and only a handful of culturally-appropriate prevention programs exist in Australia.

Australia’s Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (2017) urges increased accessibility to prevention services by people from CALD communities, but service providers need to develop competency in understanding and addressing the unique factors relevant to this group of people.

This activity offers an overview of key themes identified in the literature on suicide and suicide prevention in CALD communities, including acculturation, stigma, social networks and family, and heterogeneity of CALD populations.

This activity contains a current evidence-based article followed by 10 questions to consolidate your learning. Together, a pass mark of 80% and completion of a reflection represents active* continuing professional development (CPD).    

Level of Learning

Intermediate.  This activity is targeted to those who have some previous learning on the topic.

Duration of access

Access to this activity is for 6 months from the date of confirmed registration.

APS CPD-Approved

This eLearning activity has been assessed against the APS Standards for CPD activities and approved for its education quality.

Learn more about the APS CPD Approval process.

CPD Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the APS CPD Frequently Asked Questions for general and technical information when undertaking APS Professional development activities.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this CPD on the goTM eLearning activity, participants should be able to: 

  • identify the prevalence of suicide and suicidality,

  • describe how CALD status is determined, 

  • summarise the key factors contributing to suicide and suicidality in CALD communities, and

  • explain the challenges associated with establishing risk and protective factors for suicide and suicidality in the Australian CALD population. 


*’Active CPD’ refers to activities that utilise written or oral processes to reinforce learning and test knowledge. While active CPD is not a requirement of the Psychology Board of Australia, it is recommended because learning is more likely to be retained and to lead to improvements in practice. Provision of a reflection on all types of CPD is, however, a requirement of the Board.

CPD Approved


eLearning-CPD on the go

APS/NZPsS member: $45.00
APS student member: $35.00
Non-member: $60.00