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eLearning Event

Autism Foundations

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This eLearning series on autism will equip participants with an advanced understanding of autism, and how to provide best-practice assessment and support. 

Its development was guided by an Expert Reference Group, consisting of the following Australian psychologists and educators: Prof. Amanda Richdale, Dr. Emma Goodall, Dr Jessica Paynter, Dr Rachelle Wicks, and Angela North.

This series consists of four (4) separate modules:

  1. Autism Foundations

  2. Assessment and identification

  3. Identifying co-occurring conditions, and

  4. Evidence-based support.

The first three modules provide an understanding of aetiology, epidemiology, assessment and differential diagnoses, to inform and evaluate practice. The final module explores a contemporary approach to evidence-based support.

All modules provide relevant learning for working with autistic individuals across the life span.

1. Autism Foundations

This is the first module in the series. It provides an overview of autism and has been updated with guidance from experts, including those with lived experience, to reflect the Australian National Guidelines (2023) and the expectations and needs of the autistic community. It includes a review of the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria, differential diagnoses, and approaches that enhance autistic wellbeing, with a focus on strengths and support needs.

Duration of access

Access to this eLearning activity is for 6 months from the date of confirmed registration.

Level of Learning

Foundational. This activity is targeted to those new to the topic.

APS CPD-Approved

This activity has been assessed against the APS Standards for CPD activities and approved for its education quality. Learn more about the APS CPD Approval process.

CPD Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the APS CPD Frequently Asked Questions for general and technical information when undertaking APS Professional development activities.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this eLearning activity, participants should be able to:

  • Outline the history, aetiology and epidemiology of autism,

  • Describe DSM-5 TR criteria and relevant terminology for report and/or scientific publications,

  • Understand the importance of using terminology preferred by autistic individuals and their families,

  • Describe autism from a strengths and support needs perspective,

  • Outline support levels and how these can change over time and context across the lifespan,

  • Outline the presentation of social/communication differences across the spectrum and lifespan,

  • Identify behaviours that indicate different sensory processing challenges,

  • Consider the importance of gender-, sex- and sexuality-affirming practice with autistic individuals, and

  • Identify common differential and co-occurring conditions, including mental and physical health problems, and genetic conditions.

CPD Approved



APS/ NZPsS member: $250.00
APS student member: $165.00
Non-member: $375.00