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APS Division of Professional Practice Significant Contribution Award

The APS Division of Professional Practice Significant Contribution Award is granted annually to a member of the APS Division of Professional Practice who has made a significant contribution to general psychological practice. The Award seeks to promote, encourage excellence, and highlight achievements of registered psychologists. It seeks to reward and encourage Member psychologists for their substantial contribution in the areas of assessment and treatment, education, research, community education, training / supervision, mentoring, advocacy and / or service development. Each year up to three Awards may be conferred.


  1. The APS Division of Professional Practice Forum is responsible for administering the Award and for funding of the Award.
  2. The Forum of the APS Division of Professional Practice will appoint a Selection Committee of three (3) members of the Forum and two invited nominees to confidentially assess all applications prior to making a recommendation to the Forum of the APS Division of Professional Practice for subsequent approval by the APS Board of Directors.
  3. Once the winner has been approved by the APS Board, the Award will be presented at an appropriate event decided by the APS Division of Professional Practice Forum and the prize winner will be invited to make a brief presentation at that meeting on their psychology work / research or on another topic relevant to their work in psychology.

Eligibility criteria

Nominees must be a registered psychologist and hold only the grade of Member, Fellow or Honorary Fellow of the APS (i.e. not additionally holding membership of a college) and currently active in psychological practice. Suitable locations of psychological practice cover a broad range of options, including private consultancies, hospitals, schools, organisations, universities etc.

Nomination process

  1. The Forum of the APS Division of Professional Practice will seek nominations from its members via APS digital communication channel. 
  2. Nominations will be forwarded to the APS Member Groups team
  3. The Award application submission must include:
    • Curriculum Vitae of applicant
    • Statements against the selection criteria (no more than 300 words per criterion)

To nominate for this award, click here.

Selection criteria

In judging the nominations for the award, the selection committee will consider the substantial contribution to psychological practice in the areas of:

  1. Assessment and treatment
  2. Education
  3. Research
  4. Community education
  5. Training / supervision
  6. Mentoring
  7. Advocacy
  8. Service development
  9. Service to the DPP
  10. Service to the community

Criteria for substantial contribution could include:

  1. Innovative programs
  2. High risk groups/special needs groups
  3. Community impact
  4. Knowledge and skill dissemination (impact on the profession)
  5. Contributions to the DPP Forum and or division

Value of the Award

Successful candidates for the Award will:

  1. Be presented with a certificate
  2. Be publicly recognised at an Awards ceremony
  3. Receive an invitation to attend the Awards ceremony function/event
  4. Be listed on the APS website and the DPP webpage
  5. Receive an award of funding up to the value of $1500 for expenses related to attendance at an APS Conference event.


Closing date

The nomination period for the award closes on 31 July.

To nominate for this award, click here.

For any further information, please contact:
Member Groups Administrator
Tel: 1800 333 497
Email: [email protected]


Previous winners

2022 Dr Louise Farrer
2020 Dr Sadhbh Joyce
  • Mr Andrew Chua 
  • Ms Hend Saab
  • Dr Richard Chambers
  • Amber Shuhyta 
  • Lana-Joy Durik 
  • Paul Campbell


  • Robyn Fowkes
  • Ronita Neal 
  • Shameran Slewa-Younan

L-R:  Ronita Neal, Dr Shameran Slewa-Younan, APS President, Ros Knight and Robyn Fowkes


Judith Marty