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APS Grant for Intercultural and/or International Projects

The APS Grant for Intercultural and/or International Projects encourages and supports innovative social impact-based projects that have an intercultural and/or international focus, and is to be used for the establishment and implementation of a successful project. Projects should aim to establish and maintain links between the APS and its members and psychology, psychologists and community groups in developing countries or under-resourced communities, or in countries where psychology is an emerging discipline (referred to from here on as ‘the target community’).

Projects must be consistent with the APS’s vision and may be related to any scientific and/or professional aspects of the discipline of psychology, including:

  1. Addressing scientific and/or professional issues that have intercultural significance for psychology, psychologists and community groups in the target community.
  2. Providing further education and training opportunities for psychologists in the target community; or
  3. Fostering collaborations between the APS and psychologists in the target community who are seeking support to establish and build scientific and professional psychology, or who are undertaking a psychologically significant humanitarian project within their own country or region.

The Grant is not intended to support research projects unless there is a clearly demonstrable outcome in relation to the aims of the Grant. Student research projects are unlikely to be eligible.

The Grant may be used to support any aspect of a successful and sustainable project, including travel, living allowance, training fees and charges, books and equipment, or other costs associated with the project, provided that the funds are expended in accordance with the budget as approved by the Selection Committee.

Note that previous recipients of the Grant are welcome to submit an application for funds to extend their successful project, subject to evidence of satisfactory progress following receipt of the initial grant. Such an application would be considered alongside new applications for this year’s grant of $5000, and subject to the same eligibility and selection criteria.


  1. The APS Grant for Intercultural and/or International Projects is the responsibility of the Board with the assistance of the General Manager, Policy and Social Impact in the APS National Office.
  2. A call for nominations will be published each year via appropriate APS channel(s).
  3. Applicants should submit the online application form with required attachment(s) by the due date for applications.
  4. A Selection Committee will be appointed to recommend an appropriate recipient of the Grant to the Board. The Selection Committee may recommend that the funds for the Grant be shared between several recipients.
  5. The Selection Committee may seek additional information in the form of external assessors’ or referees’ reports, letters of support from participating psychology associations or groups, or other independent advice to assist it in choosing the recipient of the Grant.
  6. The recipient must confirm their acceptance of the Grant in writing.
  7. The successful recipient will be announced via appropriate APS channel(s), along with a short feature on the successful project.
  8. The Selection Committee may recommend to the Board that the Grant should not be awarded in any one year if it has formed the opinion that there is no Grant application that meets the eligibility criteria and is of sufficient merit.


To be eligible for the Grant, the applicant must be:

  1. of the APS membership grade "Member" or above. Associate Members, Student Subscribers and Affiliates are welcome to apply with an eliglble member; or
  2. a psychologist or association from the target community, nominated by someone who is of the APS membership grade "Member" or above.

Selection criteria

Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Project characteristics:
    1. intercultural / international focus (hurdle requirement)
    2. relevance to APS and its vision
    3. culturally sensitive and culturally informed approach
    4. evidence-based approach including plans for evaluation
    5. benefit to recipients of project activities
    6. benefit to psychology/psychologists in target community
    7. feasibility of project and probability of successful completion
    8. sustainability after funding ends
    9. ongoing engagement with the APS
    10. evidence of innovation
  2. Applicant/nominee characteristics:
    1. demonstrated appropriate skills, knowledge, experience and competence to carry out project, including evidence of cultural sensitivity
  3. Budget:
    1. clear rationale for all budget items
    2. evidence of need for Grant in order for the project to proceed
    3. clear and accurate description of budget items
    4. realistic and modest costings
  4. Application characteristics:
    1. clarity and completeness

Application process

  1. In order to be considered, Grant applications must include:
    1. A statement of rationale, including the project’s aims, objectives, methodology and provision for evaluation, and how these reflect the APS vision and the specific aims of the Grant;
    2. Any anticipated future engagement or ongoing relationship with the APS arising from receipt of the Grant, and how such engagement will take place and be mutually sustained;
    3. A proposed budget that includes a breakdown of how the funds will be used (e.g., for maintenance, travel, living allowance, training fees and charges, books and equipment, or other costs associated with the project) if the Grant application is successful; and
    4. An acknowledgement that a report suitable for publication in appropriate APS channel(s) will be provided to the APS at the completion of the nominated project.
  2. Supporting documentation shall include at least one reference that addresses:
    1. the eligibility and suitability of the applicant and/or nominee to receive the Grant
    2. the applicant and/or nominee’s ability to carry the project to completion
    3. the intercultural significance of the project, and
    4. the relevance of the project for the APS.
  3. Applications should be no longer than five A4 pages, plus application form and supporting documentation.
  4. Submitted online application form with required attachment(s) by the due date for applications.


The value of the Grant is $5,000, which may be divided between the successful applicants if more than one is selected.

Closing date and application

Applications for the 2023-24 grant close on Friday 1 September.

For all enquiries, please email [email protected]

Previous recipients

In previous years, the APS Grant has been utilised to support: