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Webinar (Live) Event

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders for Psychologists in the A & OD Sector


This 1.5 training will focus on helping psychologists, particularly those working in the A & OD sector, better identify and support individuals impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Research indicates that up to 50% of adults with FASD will experience issues with substance misuse and addiction and with prevalence rates of up to 3% of the population, most psychologists are likely already supporting clients with this hidden disability. This presentation will introduce participants to the key features of FASD as well as dispelling common myths. Most importantly, it will provide clinicians with a key practical tool, ability mapping, which aids in understanding and supporting clients impacted by this hidden but highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disability.

Learning Outcomes

-key facts and statistics about FASD (including myths and misconceptions)
-outcomes associated with FASD if not diagnosed or provided with suitable interventions
-diagnosis of FASD in Australia
-tools for understanding and explaining the impact of FASD
-considerations when structuring interventions for individuals with FASD (with or without the formal diagnosis)
-key roles that psychologists and A & OD sector professionals can play in prevention, education and intervention
-links to further training and resources on FASD


Dr Vanessa Spiller

About the presenter(s)

Dr. Vanessa Spiller is an accomplished Clinical Psychologist with an unwavering commitment to advocating for the needs of individuals impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and other brain-based differences. With over 20 years of clinical experience, Dr. Spiller has become a leading voice in FASD education and interventions across Australia and overseas. Equipped with a Masters and PhD in Psychology, Dr. Spiller combines evidence-based approaches with practice-based evidence to offer comprehensive educational programs about FASD as well as therapeutic interventions. Her expertise lies in working collaboratively with organisations, families and people impacted by FASD, ensuring they receive the support and services required to navigate their disability and build on their strengths. Dr Spiller has published multiple articles on the intersection of FASD with criminal justice systems and how brain-based difficulties can impact at every step of the process. She is also the author of "Explained by Brain: The FASD workbook for parents, carers and educators", "Mind the Gaps: Tools to map the support needs of diverse brains" and has produced online resources that have been downloaded thousands of times and translated into multiple languages.


This event will be hosted by Ann Huntress.

Target Audience

This activity is aimed at psychologists and health professionals.

Duration of Access

This event is a live webinar and will be recorded. The recording will be emailed to all registered post event and available for viewing up to 90 days.

It is up to attendees to assess and determine how learning from this event aligns with the requirements of their learning plan. The providers accordingly do not make any representation that the event counts towards attendees CPD learning requirements. If an attendee determines themselves that the learning they complete aligns to their learning plan, then they can decide to count those hours towards their CPD requirements for the registration cycle.

The information in this presentation has been prepared in good faith and for educational purposes only. Therefore, the information is general in nature and should not be relied upon in the treatment of any condition and you should seek your own independent professional and/or legal advice concerning any specific issue. The APS accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or decisions relating to the information. The content should not be reproduced without permission or unless permitted by law.

If you are experiencing registration difficulties please contact APS Events Support.

Psychology and Substance Use Interest Group member $0
APS member $25
APS student $10
Non APS member $37.50

This event will be recorded.



09 Sep 2024

06:30 PM - 08:00 PM AEST