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Webinar (Live) Event

Navigating NDIS and Medicare Funding Services - The Do’s and the Don’ts of service psychological delivery


We are pleased to announce the NSW Central Coast Branch committee have organised an upcoming webinar: Navigating NDIS and Medicare Funding Services - The Do’s and the Don’ts of service psychological delivery. 

This presentation is designed for psychologists to deepen their understanding of providing services under National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Medicare. Participants will explore the funding streams, rules, and regulations with a focus on understanding what services can be provided in each stream and how to maximise services for our clients. We will also navigate assessments within the NDIS framework and when (and when not) assessments can be funded by the NDIS.

Targeted audience

This activity is aimed at psychologists and health professionals.

Duration of access

This event is a live webinar and will be recorded. The recording will be emailed to all registered post event and available for viewing up to 90 days.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this event, participants should be able to:

  • discuss and address the false comment “you need to use Medicare before you are funded for Psychology by NDIS”, 
  • describe NDIS and Medicare funding structures and eligibility criteria,
  • identify rules and regulations for NDIS and Medicare services, including allowed and prohibited services,
  • identify limits for integrating NDIS and Medicare services, ensuring compliance with documentation and reporting requirements,
  • identify the circumstances when NDIS can fund psychology & assessments ensuring that we comply with guidelines and standards, and
  • when clients are eligible - be able to clearly advocate for our clients NDIS funding, and push back against inappropriate demands to use Medicare.


Leah Flanagan

About the presenter(s)

Leah started out her career in state child protection services (NSW DOCS) where she worked in casework management across a variety of program areas for 20 years. Whilst also working part-time as a psychologist in private practice. She then completed a secondment at Aging Disability Home Care (ADHC) NSW to transition clients out of the large-scale residential centres (Stockton , Kanangra etc) into the community when the NDIS first started in the Newcastle (Trial site). Meaning Leah has been engaged within the NDIS system since the roll out first began. Leah has a wealth of knowledge and experience working in the NDIS space she has insight into both providing direct behaviour support as an advanced/ specialist practitioner and as an independent specialist for the Department of Communities and Justice. Further to this Leah has extensive experience and a special interest in the completion of sexual recidivism and risk assessments and has provided testimony on such matters in the children’s, local and district courts. Registered Psychologist. Board Approved Supervisor. Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Newcastle Uni; Bachelor of Arts (Psychology Honors) UNE; Masters of Clinical Psychology (in progress)– University of Southern Queensland. Certified Behaviour Analyst (ABAA Australia). Board Certified Board Certified Assistant Behaviour Analysis (USA, BACB); Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Griffiths); Graduate Diploma Child Protection Investigations (Charles Sturt); Masters of Applied Behaviour Analysis (Monash University) Advanced / Specialist Behaviour Support Practitioner (NDIS)


It is up to attendees to assess and determine how learning from this event aligns with the requirements of their learning plan. The providers accordingly do not make any representation that the event counts towards attendees CPD learning requirements. If an attendee determines themselves that the learning they complete aligns to their learning plan, then they can decide to count those hours towards their CPD requirements for the registration cycle.

The information in this presentation has been prepared in good faith and for educational purposes only. Therefore, the information is general in nature and should not be relied upon in the treatment of any condition and you should seek your own independent professional and/or legal advice concerning any specific issue. The APS accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or decisions relating to the information. The content should not be reproduced without permission or unless permitted by law.

If you are experiencing registration difficulties please contact APS Events Support.


APS member $25.00
APS student $10.00
Non APS member $40.00

This event will be recorded.

Registrations close: 3:30pm AEST, Thursday 19 September 2024



19 Sep 2024

6:30pm - 8:30pm Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra


Organiser Logo

APS - NSW Central Coast Branch

The APS Branches support members and promote the profession of psychology at a state and regional level.

Contact: Nicola Edmonds