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Webinar (Live) Event

Concussion and CTE: The Latest Science and Translation for the Sport Psychologist


The College of Sports and Exercise Psychology Australia is pleased to invite our members and all interested parties to our upcoming event about concussion and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

As protocols and research regarding concussion in sport continues to develop, it is important for practitioners working with athletes at risk of concussion or repeated impacts to the head to understand the latest evidence. Dr Alan Peace, clinical neuroscientist, will deliver a presentation on the underlying neurological mechanisms for the signs and symptoms of concussion, why mandatory recovery periods post-concussion for return to competition have been extended since 2021, and the neuroscience of persistent post-concussion symptoms.

The presentation will also provide details into chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and how CTE differs to other dementias. Understanding the current situation on clinical diagnostic criteria for CTE diagnosis, and where CTE research is heading will help you in your work with a wide range of sports.

This online workshop is suitable for all levels of understanding and practitioners at all stages of their careers. The presentation will be both informative and practical, helping you develop the skills you need when working with athletes at risk of head injuries.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this event, participants should be able to:

1. Describe the mechanisms of concussion and the latest science on recovery
2. Use tools that can assist with post concussion recovery
3. Describe CTE and how CTE differs to other dementias


Professor Alan Pearce

About the presenter(s)

Alan Pearce is a clinical neuroscientist, specialising in concussion and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Spanning a career of 30 years, Alan has published over 260 peer-reviewed papers, including 15 research book chapters and is currently involved in his 3rd research textbook focusing on sports-related concussion and CTE. Alan is internationally regarded for his work and is a regular contributor in the media demystifying concerns around this issue.


For the best opportunity to learn from the practical elements of the presentation, please attend the event at its scheduled time, if you are able.

Target Audience

This activity is aimed at psychologists and health professionals.

Duration of Access

This event is a live webinar and will be recorded. The recording will be emailed to all registered post event and available for viewing up to 90 days.

It is up to attendees to assess and determine how learning from this event aligns with the requirements of their learning plan. The providers accordingly do not make any representation that the event counts towards attendee's CPD learning requirements. If an attendee determines themselves that the learning they complete aligns to their learning plan, then they can decide to count those hours towards their CPD requirements for the registration cycle.

The information in this presentation has been prepared in good faith and for educational purposes only. Therefore, the information is general in nature and should not be relied upon in the treatment of any condition and you should seek your own independent professional and/or legal advice concerning any specific issue. The APS accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or decisions relating to the information. The content should not be reproduced without permission or unless permitted by law.

If you are experiencing registration difficulties please contact APS Events Support.

Online Event

Sport and Exercise College members and student members FREE

APS member $30
APS student $10
Non APS member $45

The Event will be recorded.



16 Sep 2024

06:00 PM - 07:30 PM AEST