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Webinar (Live) Event

Introduction to IFS in Practice – Flow of the Model and the 6 F’s Demonstrated


This webinar will provide an introduction to one of the most fundamental building blocks of the Internal Family Systems Model – the 6 F’s. The webinar will provide: a brief summary of the importance of the 6 F’s in the IFS Model; a description of the useful questions which can be asked for each of the 6 F’s; and a live demonstration in session of how to use the 6 F’s.

Learning Outcomes

Participants in the workshop will gain an understanding of:

  • The importance of the 6 F’s in the IFS Model
  • The questions which can be asked when using the 6 F’s
  • The role of the 6 F’s in unblending and parts’ detecting
  • The flow of the IFS model in a clinical session.
  • The points to consider when parts tracking in an IFS session.


Dr. Shaun Dempsey

About the presenter(s)

Dr. Shaun Dempsey is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice, North Queensland, Australia. He is a certified Internal Family Systems therapist having completed Level 1 in 2017/18, Level 2 in Austin, Texas USA in 2018, and Level 3 with Dick Schwartz in Florida in December 2019. Shaun is on the IFS Institute’s international Approved Clinical Consultants list. Shaun has an Honours degree in Psychology, a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology, and a PhD in Psychology and is a member of the Australian Psychological Society and a Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists.


Target Audience

This activity is aimed at psychologists and health professionals.

It is up to attendees to assess and determine how learning from this event aligns with the requirements of their learning plan. The providers accordingly do not make any representation that the event counts towards attendees CPD learning requirements. If an attendee determines themselves that the learning they complete aligns to their learning plan, then they can decide to count those hours towards their CPD requirements for the registration cycle.

The information in this presentation has been prepared in good faith and for educational purposes only. Therefore, the information is general in nature and should not be relied upon in the treatment of any condition and you should seek your own independent professional and/or legal advice concerning any specific issue. The APS accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or decisions relating to the information. The content should not be reproduced without permission or unless permitted by law.

If you are experiencing registration difficulties please contact APS Events Support.

Online Event

IFS IG Member $25
IFS IG Student $10

APS Member $50
APS Student Member $15

Non-APS Member $100

The Event will not be recorded.



19 Sep 2024

06:30 PM - 08:00 PM AEST