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Australian Psychology Society This browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser.

Submission to DOH on Private Health Insurance reforms (second wave)

The APS welcomes the Department of Health consultation on Private Health Insurance (PHI) reforms. Our key recommendations include:

  • The reforms should focus on wellbeing and preventing ill health, in addition to treating mental health disorders.
  • We endorse an inclusive approach to increasing the age of dependents to encourage younger people, and those living with a disability, to maintain PHI.
  • We welcome any opportunity to work with the DoH and PHIs to determine a set of evidence-based rehabilitation services offered by psychologists, which can feed into orthopaedic rehabilitation plans, and co-design certified training for psychologists who contribute to orthopaedic rehabilitation.
  • We advocate for the expansion of the psychological workforce, to meet the growing need for community-based mental health services.
  • We also recommend increasing the treatment and recovery options for those with a pre-existing mental health diagnosis, given the significant burden that poor mental health creates for these individuals, their families and local communities, as well as the government.

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