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Peer consultation or supervision Event

Peer Consultation - Psychology and Homelessness


The APS Interest Group on Psychology and Homelessness will hold online peer consultation groups in 2024 on the first Wednesday of each month from May to December. Your participation, whether discussing your own practice or listening to others, will contribute to meeting your annual continuing professional development requirements and be of benefit to your practice. In each session, the time will be shared equally among those who would like to discuss their own practice.  The group will have a maximum of 8 attendees.

As the Psychology and Homelessness Interest Group is hosting the event the focus of discussion will be assessing and treating mental health conditions among people with lived experience of homelessness. This group will be ideal for you if you have an interest in homelessness or if you practice in the public or homelessness sector. You may also want to attend if, in the regular course of your work, you have a client who is at risk of homelessness (e.g., living in unstable or unsafe accommodation) or is presenting with a mental health condition prevalent among people experiencing homelessness, such as complex PTSD. Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may also be a focus of discussion as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are over-represented in the homeless population.

Targeted audience

This activity is aimed at psychologists and health professionals.

To register for more Peer Consultation please find the links below.

Date Link
8-May-24 https://psychology.org.au/event/024549
5-Jun-24 https://psychology.org.au/event/24569
3-Jul-24 https://psychology.org.au/event/24570
7-Aug-24 https://psychology.org.au/event/24571
4-Sep-24 https://psychology.org.au/event/24572
2-Oct-24 https://psychology.org.au/event/24573
6-Nov-24 https://psychology.org.au/event/24574

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this event, participants should be able to:

  • enhanced knowledge and understanding of the impact of homelessness on the mental health of individuals and their families,
  • enhanced knowledge and understanding of additional considerations and challenges in the assessment and treatment of individuals affected by homelessness,
  • improved understanding of the mental health conditions that are prevalent among people experiencing homelessness, such as trauma-related disorders and substance-related disorders, and
  • awareness of homelessness services available in your local area that provide support and accommodation.


Erin Fearn-Smith

About the presenter(s)

Erin is a Rehabilitation Counsellor and Registered Psychologist, with further academic qualifications in community development and child and adolescent health. With a career that commenced during her own adolescence, in youth peer education and creative community development projects, Erin has 25 years of industry experience in mental health, homelessness and social inclusion across the not-for-profit and local government sectors working in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Erin teaches in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, operates a private consultancy business, and is a current Higher Degree Research candidate at the University of Sydney with a research focus on brain injury and cognitive impairment among people experiencing homelessness.


It is up to attendees to assess and determine how learning from this event aligns with the requirements of their learning plan. The providers accordingly do not make any representation that the event counts towards attendees CPD learning requirements. If an attendee determines themselves that the learning they complete aligns to their learning plan, then they can decide to count those hours towards their CPD requirements for the registration cycle.

The information in this presentation has been prepared in good faith and for educational purposes only. Therefore, the information is general in nature and should not be relied upon in the treatment of any condition and you should seek your own independent professional and/or legal advice concerning any specific issue. The APS accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or decisions relating to the information. The content should not be reproduced without permission or unless permitted by law.

If you are experiencing registration difficulties please contact APS Events Support.


APS Psychology and Homelessness Interest Group member/student member FREE

APS member $30.00
APS student FREE
Non APS member $60.00

This event will not be recorded.

Registrations close: 3:00pm AEDT, Wednesday 4 December 2024


Online , VIC Online
Venue is wheelchair accessible

04 Dec 2024

6:00pm - 7:00pm Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra

Show Location


Organiser Logo

APS - Psychology and Homelessness Interest Group

Psychology and Homelessness promotes the role of psychologists as practitioners, researchers, and commentators in relation to homelessness issues, and encourages liaison among members by providing a forum for information sharing, peer discussion, and support.

Contact: Erin Fearn-Smith