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Workshop Event

PsyBA Master class:
Compassion-focussed supervision: Integrating compassion-focused approaches to supervision - ADELAIDE

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PsyBA-approved Supervisor refresher training, In-person event

Master class (Part 4) has been developed for psychologists who want to maintain their status as a Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA)-approved supervisor (principal or secondary).

Approved supervisors are eligible to enrol and attendance to this training will meet the requirements to maintain supervisory status for a further five years. 

Psychologists who are not currently a PsyBA-approved supervisor can use this workshop for general CPD purposes but cannot use this workshop to gain supervisor approval.

This Master class will focus on the use of compassion-focused approaches in supervision, specifically from the role of a supervisor and adapting a compassionate mindset and stance with supervisory processes.

An evidence-based framework will be presented, introducing:

  • the construct of compassion,

  • the three flows of compassion and how this links to the supervision process

  • exploratory and applied approach to what compassion in supervision looks like, from contracting stage to signing off of supervisee, and 

  • taking a practical stance, applying a compassionate framework to cultural and lifespan issues, ethics, and

  • developing an action plan to commence utilising compassion in supervision. 

Important information

  • This PsyBA-approved master class is being delivered in-person.

  • The class will not be recorded.

  • Participants will receive pre-readings and materials, the week prior to the event.

  • Participants are required to bring a mobile device/laptop to access resources and assessments during the workshop.

CPD Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the APS CPD Frequently Asked Questions for general information when undertaking APS Professional development activities.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this training, participants should be able to:

  • identify key theoretical frameworks of compassion and how they can relate to supervisory processes,

  • outline compassion focused strategies within  supervision contracting and planning,

  • apply compassion to the provision of feedback and managing resistance in supervision, and

  • demonstrate the ability to utilise compassion practices when working across cultural, lifespan and ethical issues in supervision.


Dr Angelo Contarino FAPS

About the presenter(s)

Dr Angelo Contarino is a registered psychologist with endorsement in the area of clinical psychology. He has successfully completed the following degrees - BA (Psychology), Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology and Doctor of Clinical Psychology, and has over 28 years experience in working with adults, children, couples and families. He is a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and a fellow of the College of Clinical Psychologists (CCLP), having served in the roles of general member, chair and secretary on the Queensland Section committee since 2016, and subsequently as a general committee member on the National CCLP (as Conference Chair and Lead of the On-line Peer Group Supervision – OPSG project). Dr Contarino has worked in numerous public and private sector environments including – hospital facilities, adult mental health services, child and youth mental health services, crisis response teams, school settings, the disability employment sector, and in private practice since 1997, increasing this to be his primary employment since November 2015.


Participants will require a mobile device/laptop to access resources and assessments throughout the day.
Supervisor training Master class

APS member: $420.00
Non-member: $510.00