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eLearning Event

Autism Spectrum Disorder:
4. Evidence-based practice

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This eLearning series will equip participants with an advanced and integrated understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), its impact on the lives of individuals with a diagnosis, and how to ensure a best-practice approach. It was formulated and guided by an Expert Reference Group, consisting of Australian psychologists and educators, all leaders in their field:

  • Prof. Amanda Richdale, LaTrobe University, Melbourne,

  • Dr. Emma Goodall, University of Southern Queensland and Torrens University, and

  • Dr Jessica Paynter, Griffith University, Queensland.

This series consists of four (4) separate modules:

  1. Autism Foundations,

  2. Assessment and diagnosis,

  3. Identifying common co-morbidities, and

  4. Evidence-based practice.

The first three modules provide an understanding of aetiology, epidemiology, assessment and differential diagnoses, to inform and evaluate practice. The final module explores a contemporary approach to evidence-based support.

4. Evidence-based practice

This is the fourth and final module in the series. Each child, adolescent and adult with Autism will present with their own unique and sometimes complex needs – needs that change significantly over the lifespan.

Interventions that are timely, effective, and valued by the client can ensure the best possible outcomes, however, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Clinical decision-making can be complicated when considering such issues as poor family functioning, the need to modify interventions for autism and the proliferation of ‘fad’ treatments.

In this module, participants will access a definitive list of current, evidence-based treatments, as well as those with emerging evidence and those that require modification, and identify harmful practices so that they may address social, emotional and behavioural problems while upholding the rights and dignity of the person with autism. The inclusion of monitoring and feedback tools will ensure their approach remains in line with their clients’ progress and preferences.

Previous modules in this series have centred around the history, aetiology, current diagnostic criteria, assessment, and co-morbidities of this complex disorder. While completion of previous modules is not required for enrolment in this module, it is the responsibility of learners to ensure that they have a thorough, foundational understanding of autism and the specific subjects covered in previous modules, prior to working with individuals in practice.

Duration of access

Access to this eLearning activity is for 6 months from the date of confirmed registration.

Level of learning

Intermediate. This activity is targeted to those who have some previous learning on the topic.

APS CPD-Approved

This eLearning activity has been assessed against the APS Standards for CPD activities and approved for its education quality.

Learn more about the APS CPD Approval process.

CPD Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the APS CPD Frequently Asked Questions for general and technical information when undertaking APS Professional development activities.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this eLearning activity, participants should be able to enhance their capacity to offer support to individuals, families, education, and employment settings with the confidence that they are providing best practice care.

CPD Approved



APS/NZPsS member: $250.00
APS student member: $165.00
Non-member: $375.00