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APS Response to West Australian Select Committee Inquiry into Child Development Services

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Legislative Council of Western Australia Select Committee inquiry into child development services. The significance of developmental factors in childhood and the right of every child to have their developmental needs met cannot be overstated. Responsibility for ensuring optimal development for children is shared between families, communities, and governments.

The APS has taken a broad view in responding to this inquiry with consideration being given to Child Development Service (CDS) provided by the state government as well as other services – both government and non-government – that support the development, health, and wellbeing of children in Western Australian. In our response we consider:

  1. The role of child development services
  2. How child development services are delivered in Western Australia
  3. Workforce pathways
  4. Increasing engagement and collaboration
  5. Other child development service models and programs


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