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APS and Phoenix Australia Joint Response to the Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) and Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health Ltd (Phoenix Australia) commend the Australian Government on conducting the Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections and we look forward to the Government’s response and future initiatives that address what will potentially be a significant health issue for a large number of Australians. Throughout this response, we advocate for a number of ways to support people with this condition and manage the future national impact of long COVID, such as:

  • Diagnosis, prevention and treatment - implement models of diagnosis, treatment and support that align with emerging research and practice-based evidence
  • System drivers - recognise the need for an intersectionality-informed approach and consider the potentially long-term disabling impacts of long COVID in the context of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions and Medicare Chronic Disease Management items.
  • Workforce issues and training - address the critical workforce shortages facing psychology to ensure patients suffering from long COVID have access to high-quality psychological and neuropsychological healthcare. In addition, upskill GPs and other healthcare professionals to refer and partner to holistically assess and manage the physical, psychological, and cognitive components of the condition. 
  • Public health approaches - roll out a consumer public health information campaign that provides clear, accurate information for the community about long COVID.
  • Research - fund ongoing and sustained support for interdisciplinary and holistic research into the effects of long COVID with particular attention on early intervention and psychological and cognitive treatment approaches including the role of health anxiety. 


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