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Australian Psychology Society This browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser.

Submission to ACT Government about Medical Interventions on People with Intersex Variations

The Discussion Paper focuses on issues that directly affect the design of options to prohibit deferrable medical interventions in the ACT. 

The APS believes that decisions and processes regarding medical interventions need to focus primarily on the individual’s wellbeing, over and above a concern for social integration which often means normalisation. 

The APS has concerns about the human rights protection available to people born with variations in sex characteristics, particularly in relation to the impacts of unnecessary medical interventions, surgical and non-surgical. 

The diversity amongst people born with intersex variations means that issues and impacts are likely to be different for each person. This necessitates that each individual’s situation should be managed on a case-to-case basis. 

It is important that parents and families are informed about their child’s intersex variations and are supportive of their child’s right to make decisions about their bodies. It is not recommended for infants to have surgery or take hormones unless medically necessary, meaning parents are advised to be careful about consenting to any medical interventions. 

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