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Psychology and Climate Change: Position statement

This position statement articulates the many ways in which psychological knowledge and expertise is relevant to the urgent problem of climate change.

It summarises the significant psychosocial and physical and mental health implications of the climate crisis, and shows how psychology trained professionals have the expert scientific knowledge, skills and resources to help in climate change mitigation and adaptation by: helping individuals and communities to make changes in behaviour which will mitigate climate change and minimise its impacts; and to advocate for speedy action by government, businesses, and organisations, as a matter of urgency.

Psychology professionals can help build understanding of the behavioural and motivational factors associated with causes of climate change. They can also assist governments, communities and individuals to prepare for and reduce the risks of climate-related events such as floods and bushfires (environmental adaptation), and help individuals and communities adapt to their psychosocial impacts (psychological adaptation). They can also emphasise the importance of equity, justice and peace-building in responses to the challenges created by climate change.

In light of the urgency of the climate crisis and the importance of understanding and addressing its psychological, health and social dimensions, the position statement concludes with four broad recommendations.

The APS undertakes to assist and encourage the engagement of all psychology professionals with climate change issues, as researchers, academics, practitioners and students, and to seek to implement these recommendations.

View position statement


The APS position contained within the longer position statement on climate change is also available as a 2-page document.

View APS position