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Submission to Inquiry into the Government's review of climate change policies

This document is a submission made in 2017 by the APS regarding the Australian Government's review of climate change policies.

The APS viewed this review as a critical opportunity for the Government to develop strong climate policies that can move Australia rapidly onto an emissions reduction trajectory that is in line with the science of limiting temperature increase to below 1.5 degrees.

Effective climate change policy needs to be genuine in rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning Australia to a zero carbon economy by the second half of the century, and also needs to factor in the real costs of relevant issues such as health and the impacts on the community. Climate change policies need to be just and fair and protect low income earners, vulnerable people and organisations that support them. 

The effectiveness of policies can be enhanced by the use of behavioural and social science expertise to assist with the public engagement of people across all levels of society to change their behaviour and lifestyle in order to reduce emissions and restore a safe climate. 

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