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The Bendi Lango Bursary

The APS Bursary of Financial Assistance for People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Descent (Bendi Lango bursary) was established by the Australian Psychological Society to support postgraduate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander psychology students.


Since 2006 the APS has provided financial support to fourteen postgraduate psychology students, initially with funds raised from the Bendi Lango series of art exhibitions organised by former President Amanda Gordon. In 2011, this initiative was formalised as a fund for tax-deductible donations. Member donations have totalled approximately $370,000 since 2011, providing strong endorsement for the Indigenous Education and Employment component of the APS Reconciliation Action Plan.

The establishment of the bursary is one response to the need to boost the numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander psychologists to approach parity (3% of the Australian population and the profession).

There are approximately 218 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander psychologists (Australian Census 2016 & Health Workforce Survey 2017). This is less than 1% of the profession and much more active strategies for recruiting and graduating students are needed.

Donations to the Australian Psychological Society Fund for the Financial Assistance of People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Descent (ABN - 61 128 721 459) can be made each year during membership renewal. However if you’d like to make a kind donation during the year, you can use the our online secure form.

Donate Online

Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible.


  • Applicants do not need to be members of the APS
  • Applicants must demonstrate their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage by confirmation in writing by the Chairperson of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander incorporated organisation
  • Applicants must provide evidence of financial need
  • Applicants must also provide proof of acceptance or current enrolment into an APAC-accredited into a postgraduate Masters coursework degree (MPsych), professional doctorate (DPsych) or combined degree (MPsych/PhD). Students in 5+1 master’s programs are eligible for the bursary whilst enrolled in the 5th year of the program.

You can search to check that your enrolled degree is an accredited psychology program here. If the degree you are enrolled into does not appear on the list, please contact the APS. 

Value of the bursary

Each bursary of financial assistance is valued at $15,000 per annum for up to two years of full-time study, or $7,500 per annum for up to four years of part-time study.

In addition, the recipient(s) will receive:

  • Complimentary APS student membership for the period of the financial assistance provided
  • Complimentary APS membership for the first year post-graduation
  • An invitation to present at the first APS Congress post-graduation, including complimentary Congress registration

Nominations for Bendi Lango

Nomination process

Applicants must submit all documentation electronically via the online application form by the due date. To be considered, the completed application must include:

  • Letter from the Chairperson of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander incorporated organisation in the community in which the applicant lives or has previously lived, confirming the applicant’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage (other proof of heritage may be considered at the discretion of the selection committee)
  • Personal statement addressing:
    • Applicant’s contribution to his/her community and the broader community to date
    • Applicant’s planned future contribution to his/her community and the broader community
    • What the receipt of financial assistance from the APS would mean to the applicant
  • Financial statement providing evidence of the applicant’s financial need
  • Applicant’s education details including academic transcript(s)
  • Proof of offer and acceptance or current enrolment into an APAC-accredited postgraduate coursework degree
  • Completed academic referee report and community referee report

Selection process

  • Selection committee may conduct telephone interviews with eligible applicants
  • Selection committee may seek additional information, in the form of external assessor or referee reports, or other independent advice to assist in selecting the bursary recipient(s)
  • Selection committee will recommend the recipient(s) to the APS Board for endorsement

Award presentation

  • Recipient(s) will be formally notified in writing before any public announcement is made
  • Profile of the recipient(s) will be published on the APS website and in bimonthly bulletin, InPsych, in August of the year the bursary is awarded

Closing date and application form

To apply please use the online application forms:

Nominations for 2023 are now open. Applications open in December and will close on 31 May each year. 

For further information on the Bendi Lango bursary please contact [email protected]