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Australian Psychology Society This browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser.

Psychologists and psychedelic-assisted therapy: Position Statement

Psychedelic substances are a group of drugs which are known for their hallmark induction of non-ordinary states of consciousness. Early systematic research was halted in the 1970s until the recent ‘renaissance’ in the past 15-20 years. Since 1 July 2023, approved psychiatrists under the Authorised Prescriber Scheme can prescribe psilocybin to address treatment resistant depression and MDMA to treat PTSD in Australia. In part, this decision was based on the 2021 final report from independent experts who considered current evidence regarding the safety and clinical utility of MDMA and psilocybin. This position statement describes the current understanding of the cognitive, perceptual, social, and emotional effects of psychedelics, as well as known risks, and importantly, evidence for their effect on symptoms of mental health disorders.

The APS is interested in all emerging evidence-based treatment options, particularly for patients who do not respond to current approaches. Given this, the APS acknowledges the therapeutic potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy and supports ongoing research in this field. Until there is sufficient compelling phase 3 clinical evidence, and systematic research to overcome the current limitations, however, the APS would not, at this stage, endorse the widespread use of psychedelic-assisted therapy. It is anticipated that the APS will review this position as more evidence becomes available. As these treatments become more accessible in Australia, psychologists should play a lead role, as regulated practitioners, in providing psychedelic-assisted therapy to vulnerable patient populations. Training and professional development should be provided in collaboration with health professional associations. This is to ensure evidence-based approaches are taken and propagated and to ensure that the strict treatment protocols are followed and necessary patient screening is undertaken.



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