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Submission to inquiry into strengthening multiculturalism

This document is a submission made by the APS in 2017 to a Senate Inquiry about strengthening multiculturalism.

The APS draws on available evidence to argue for a national multicultural agenda that promotes an overarching vision for a diverse Australia which is inclusive, dynamic and wide-reaching in its notion of ‘multiculturalism’, and makes explicit reference to the benefits of diversity for the health and wellbeing of all Australians.

The APS states how strengthening multiculturalism is inherently linked with ensuring Australia is a socially inclusive community. Social inclusion is linked to better mental health and wellbeing at both an individual and community level.

A multicultural agenda should address racism, discrimination and inequality experienced by migrants and refugees, and consciously work to ensure that our diversity enriches social and community institutions and networks to ensure a stronger society for all.

Policies, laws and services that promote fairness, inclusion and value cultural and linguistic diversity are key to building an inclusive, welcoming and safe community for all Australians. This has multiple benefits, one of which is enhanced mental health and wellbeing.

The APS makes 17 recommendations to the Committee.

View submission