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Submission to Victorian Inquiry into Abuse in Disability Services

This document is a submission made in 2015 by the APS to the Victorian Family and Community Development Committee Inquiry into Abuse in Disability Services (Stage 2).

In this detailed submission, the APS highlights that abuse of people in disability services is under-reported, and when abuse is reported, action is often inadequate or inappropriate. Under-reporting and inadequate actions are likely due to a range of interrelated factors, including the multiple barriers people face in disclosing incidents and the lack of appropriate systems in place to support formal reporting.

The APS believes that two overarching approaches are required in tandem to address the violence, abuse and neglect experienced by people with disabilities in within the disability service system. The first approach addresses the culture of disability services. The second focuses on having specific guidelines about how to address abuse and trauma.

The APS draws attention to the APS publication 'Evidence-based guidelines to reduce the need for restrictive practices in the disability sector', along with a wide range of therapeutic and systemic responses designed and delivered by psychologists to support optimal service delivery.

View submission

View restrictive practices guidelines