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The bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society

President's note

April 2015 | Professor Mike Kyrios

There are things known and things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” - Attributed to Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)Last year, the Federal Government commissioned the National Review of Mental Health Programmes and Services, which has now been completed by the National Mental...

February 2015 | Professor Mike Kyrios

The wise are free from perplexities; the virtuous from anxiety; and the bold from fear.” - Analects of Confucius (551–479 BC)The beginning of 2015 has been characterised by challenging national and world events. As a community, we are all still reeling from the traumatic events in...

December 2014 | Professor Mike Kyrios

I’d like to express my gratitude for the emails and notes of support I received following my call for unity and growth in my first report as APS President. Our capacity to impact on national policies regarding registration, accreditation, training standards, research, the upcoming mental...

October 2014 | Professor Mike Kyrios

May you live in interesting times.(Not actually an ancient Chinese proverb, but used by Robert F. Kennedy in his Day of Affirmation Address, Cape Town, South Africa, June 6, 1966)This is my first official ‘note’ as the new President of the APS, and I take on this mantle in challenging...

August 2014 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan FAPS

A long with many other members, I journeyed to Paris to attend the International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), the first ICAP held since the APS hosted the successful Congress in Melbourne in 2010. Australian psychologists were featured prominently throughout ICAP sessions and events...

June 2014 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

The 2014 Federal Budget has widespread implications for the discipline and profession of psychology, and for the members of the community who are most frequently the clients of psychologists, with significant effects on education, research, and the structure and organisation of public health...

April 2014 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

I write this President’s note some 25 years after deciding to pursue psychology as a career, a choice motivated by an interest in working with children with psychological problems. I am, of course, far from alone in this: many of us entered the profession inspired by the challenges that...

February 2014 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

For the APS, each new year opens with a round of meetings with APS Member Group office bearers at the National Office in Melbourne. The cycle commences this month with the annual two-day Branch Chairs Forum, which brings together the 40 representatives of APS Branches from around the nation to...

December 2013 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

As 2013 draws to a close, it is timely to pause to reflect on the work of the APS over the past year.In keeping with a renewed focus on the needs and interests of members, this has been a year of increased attention to the provision of advice and information to members regarding the changes in...

October 2013 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

I write this note as preparations are being finalised for the 48th Annual APS Conference in Cairns. Peter Terry and his organising committee have planned an outstanding event, with an excellent scientific program to challenge and inspire, and an entertaining social program to enable delegates to...

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