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InPsych sections

The bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society

President's note

August 2013 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

The cover feature for this issue of InPsych highlights psychological perspectives on racism – a rather timely topic given the emphasis placed on immigration by political parties and the media in the lead-up to the federal election. As many commentators have noted, the partisan nature of...

June 2013 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

APS members strive to offer effective, high quality services to our clients and the communities we serve. As a consequence, we are obliged to regularly reflect on our own practice, and to identify ways in which we can further develop our competencies and improve the services we provide.We do this...

April 2013 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

In February, the annual two-day APS Branch Chairs Forum brought psychologists from around the nation to Melbourne to discuss issues affecting our shared profession, and to review the past and planned activities of the APS. The meeting provided the opportunity for the APS Board and Executive to...

February 2013 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

The Australian Psychological Society’s longstanding commitment to advancing psychology as a discipline and profession is reflected in the recognition of the importance of ongoing learning throughout one’s career as a psychologist. Continuing professional development (CPD) is viewed as...

December 2012 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

The development, use and interpretation of tests of cognition, behaviour, emotions, personality and attitudes is an area of professional practice unique to psychology. As one component of psychological assessment, tests are used by psychologists for various purposes in diverse settings, including...

October 2012 | Associate Professor Tim Hannan

I write this note, my first as President, 20 years after joining the APS as a graduate. At that time, the APS was already approaching 50 years since its origins in 1944 as a branch of the British Psychological Society, and had celebrated 25 years since its establishment as an independent Society...

August 2012 | Assistant Professor Vivienne Lewis

Professor Simon Crowe FAPSIt is hard to believe that my term as President has flown by so quickly, and it is with no small amount of sadness that I hand over to our new President, Tim Hannan, and wish him good luck for the wild ride ahead. Becoming President of the Australian Psychological...

June 2012 | Professor Simon Crowe

For more than twenty years now, the APS has been active in developing an understanding of, and commitment to, working respectfully and effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. However, there continues to be significant knowledge gaps in both the...

April 2012 | Professor Simon Crowe

Charles Darwin prophetically summarised his master work On the Origin of Species with a single maxim: "Survival is ultimately dependent on the ability to change and evolve". These days the saying is put even more succinctly: "Adapt or die". In this context, the APS Board of...

February 2012 | Professor Simon Crowe

Laudable higher education reforms add to psychology’s challengesJanuary 1, 2012 marked the beginning of perhaps the most important reform in the education sector that we have seen in Australia for many years. The commitment by the Minister for Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans, to...

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