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The bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society

President's note

Advocacy in action

March 2023 | Dr Catriona Davis-McCabe MAPS GAICD

The APS exists to serve our members, while assisting all Australians to understand the value of psychology to their communities and enabling all people to access psychological services more easily. We strive to support the lifesaving work psychologists around Australia do, and helping to realise...

March 2023 | Dr Catriona Davis-McCabe MAPS GAICD

The APS exists to serve our members, while assisting all Australians to understand the value of psychology to their communities and enabling all people to access psychological services more easily. We strive to support the lifesaving work psychologists around Australia do, and helping to realise...

November 2022 | President Dr Catriona Davis-McCabe FAPS GAICD

Over the past few years, Australians have faced many mental health challenges. Throughout the bushfires, floods and the ongoing pandemic, people have experienced trauma and isolation that will result in distress and psychological impacts for years to come. We, as psychologists, are very well...

August 2022 | Tamara Cavenett FAPS GAICD

Psychologists continue to deliver incredible services and support to Australians, their communities and the organisations to which they belong. Psychology is being recognised and understood like never before, but we still face many challenges and hurdles as a profession. At the APS, we have not...

May 2022 | President Tamara Cavenett FAPS GAICD

As I write this message, a new federal government is being formed. With this change – which some commentators are flagging as one of the most significant political realignments in decades – comes opportunity to further develop and improve the mental health and wellbeing outcomes for...

November 2021 | President Tamara Cavenett FAPS GAICD

I’ve heard it mentioned a few times this year: “We will look back on this time in our lives and wonder how we ever did it.” I am of course referring to the pandemic and its impacts. While some parts of the country have been more affected than others, as a national psychology...

August 2021 | President Tamara Cavenett FAPS GAICD

In August 2020, the APS made the considered decision to set up a taskforce into child sexual abuse.The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended that all institutions, and professions such as psychology should be active in ensuring effective governance and...

May 2021 | Tamara Cavenett FAPS GAICD

As psychologists, we hold the privileged position of being able to have a far-reaching, positive impact on the lives of Australians.We do this through our psychological research, which informs policy and practice. We do this through the education, supervision and...

March 2021 | Tamara Cavenett FAPS

We have begun 2021 with the effects of the pandemic still gripping Australia and the world.As outbreaks continue to re-emerge on our shores, albeit in far more manageable numbers than our international friends, governments and the psychology community grapple with the economic impacts and the...

January 2021 | From President Tamara Cavenett FAPS

I have spoken at length of my commitment to ensuring that the APS remains the professional community of choice for psychologists, researchers, academics, and students, as well as my intention to transform the way we support and engage with members.We know that the strength of the APS lies in the...

November 2020 | Tamara Cavenett FAPS

As the 40th President and the sixth female President of the APS, I begin my term with two actions. The first is to continue the important work carried out by our former President Ros Knight, and the second is to move forward with the introduction of a bold, strategic plan that will help us to...

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